The art of theological reflection is a double-entendre
that blends the skill or method of thinking theologically about happenings in
one’s daily life together with mixed media art techniques. Combining art and
theology helps one to visually express the connection between experiences with the
thoughts, feelings, spirituality, and presence of God. The objective is not
necessarily to create a brilliant piece of art that might hang in a gallery,
illustrate a book, or become a collector’s item. The end result of the art of theological reflection is the
process and the journey of reflecting. For example, in a mixed media expression,
the reflective thought process that one does while laying down each stratum of pencil,
watercolor, rubber stamping, or collage material on the journal page contributes
as much to the process of reflection as the colors, textures, and art mediums
which are laid down on the journal page. Journaling theologically with art is
an invitation to personal reflection and expression. It is a conversation with
a friend expressed through thought, word, and mixed media art.