Post-Workshop Reflection

 Two weeks after taking a 3-day workshop in Women, Voice, and Preaching I finally slowed down long enough to really think about what I had learned and what goals I wanted to set for myself as a result of the preaching refresher course. The bottom layer is a collaged collection of various materials from the course including name badge, parking permit, course overview, and a portion from a bumper sticker from a field trip to a drum studio. The top layer is the reflection: what I personally want to do during
 the coming months. In particular, I want to take (more) time in my sermon prep process because it is something that often goes to the back burner in the craziness of being organizing pastor of a new church with zero staff support. I also want to investigate the possibility of new style(s). The question marks represent the openness to the end result of the key theme: EXPERIMENT. I put a date in the bottom right corner and set a goal for intentional experimenting in a variety of areas (written in white pencil) over the course of the summer. Result: TBA. Meantime...let the experimenting begin!