A journal reflection can begin with one word. When you sit down to do art, ask yourself what one word you are hearing and then listen to what God is telling you as you create art with that word as your theme for reflection. During the process of adding layers of art there is time to listen...and to hear...the message God has for you. Someone recently expressed it as being still and listening to the Great Healer [God]. Write the word once or multiple times on a prepared background in your journal. Choose colors that reflect what you are thinking/feeling about your selected word. You will keep adding layers; repeating the same word using different media.
In this example, the bold red is marker pen followed by a more subtle single word painted on top of the red with white gesso and a large stencil that is generally used for detailing a car. Mixed media collage elements are the middle layer. Choose colors and/or words and/or pieces of music which resonate with your selected theme word. Next, paint over the entire page using various colors (tempura was used in this sample; liquid acrylic works great too). This step seems bizarre...covering up what you've just
"created," but it adds continuity to the piece and helps to bring the visual toward a point of closure.Then name your reflection. Identify a word or phrase that expresses what you were hearing in your listening for God journey during the making of the art. The goal is something forward focused. In other words, what does this experience of art and prayer and listening suggest you might be doing as you move freely toward your future. You can also embellish with with a block print of a symbol.
In the sample here, "blessed assurance" expresses the hearing from God and the dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit which represents the peace of Jesus Christ...the peace that passes all understanding. Through the layers of art, which began with "anger," the artist is able to hear a message of comfort, encouragement and hope: blessed assurance and peace.