The negatives are of our formal wedding portraits. |
This collection of memorabilia relates to the theme of preparation for the wedding ceremony. As I re-read our love letters during the months leading up to our wedding, I put the bits and pieces that related to wedding plans altogether on this page. It was really interesting to see how much we learned about each other through letter-writing. I also appreciated seeing the consideration we gave to each other in making decisions together.
My mother's "head count" for the reception. Stenciled yellow flowers. |
I've also come to the conclusion that it is much better to dig through the boxes of your own memorabilia while you are still living...rather than it being a box of clutter for family members to uncover after your death. I don't mean this in a morbid sense, but in practical reality. Much of what I've uncovered, read, and assembled in my art journal would have zero meaning to anyone else. By taking time to review, remember, and reflect, I feel like I have been honoring
The tape is from one of the envelopes adds shape and emphasis to the "sanctuary" theme. |
our relationship past, present, and future. The collage includes stenciling with yellow (wedding color) maker and spritzing the page with yellow fabric spray. Memorabilia includes letters, negatives, poems, old postage stamp, and the tape that held a penny in a letter.
I had sent my mother's letter about the wedding to my fiance, and it showed up in the pile of love letters that we'd saved. |