I prefer to use words in my art and I have a difficult time "just" doing abstracts. As an exercise in pushing my creativity envelope (several months later) I used the previously prepared "peace" theme as the background to paint the feeling of peace. It was interesting to me that I painted the two pages at the same time using the same collection of acrylic paints/colors but that the two sides ended up looking very different; almost like "ying and yang" or "Venus and Mars." I logically needed them to look alike!
In an effort to blend the two sides and the two very different images/feelings of peace, I painted over the right side, edging into the left barely across the seam of the page and re-painted the swirl of circles (below). During the process of painting on top of painting on top of painting to achieve with paint the elusive feeling of peace, I realized that peace is a process...very much an ongoing journey and not a definitive achievement that is done once and for all.
I used oversized letters intended for stamping on t-shirts to embed the message I heard during the painting and reflection: PEACE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. I think the concept of the journal reflection-without the words-would make a lovely oversized abstract once I work up the gumption to super-size and leave off the words.