Jesus: The Word Became Flesh |
I created this mixed media reflection as part of my preparation for preaching and teaching the Gospel of John for the season of Lent & Easter. It was done in my small travel journal (3-1/2"x5-1/2") after reading the Gospel of John and reflecting on the significance of this Gospel. I was struck by a phrase I had jotted down in my study Bible after taking an intensive course in seminary on John: "Jesus explains the Logs; not the other way around." A friend had given me a Madonna icon so I used the soft colors in the icon as the theme for the journal reflection.

I had prepared several pages with generic backgrounds using different techniques for watercolors. I chose the one with bronze tones because it matched the icon. I stamped circles on the image using gold and black acrylic; glued down the icon on the right page and bi-lingual scripture of John 1:1-5 on the left page. I toned down both pages with a thin coat of white gesso which I topped with pearl acrylic glaze. More stamps using a wine cork for the circle.

I cut another JESUS wine cork and used that on top of the layers to add detail and emphasis. Finally, I used the B Prismacolor brush tip marker to letter two phrases:
Jesus explains the Logos NOT the other way around.
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.