Time for Art

"Time for Art" is a reflection on how to create time for creating art. Layers include wadded up tissue paper on white gesso topped with acrylic paints; words torn from magazines; music; flowers cut from custom art paper; and colored pencils.
There are various steps in creating a theological reflection as art, but it is not a "step one; step two; step three, etc." process.The art process includes listening to the art during the creation process so the completed piece unfolds. Begin by putting a generous amount of white gesso on the pages and embed tissue paper into the gesso. Allow to dry. Use a sponge paint technique with a large brush to dab color. Here, I used the colors of a vibrant sunset. Exaggerate the colors by enhancing with colored pencils. I read through an art magazine that had been sitting in my "to read" pile for awhile and tore out key phrases that jumped out at me. I also included a piece of music that reminded me of "carpe diem" and sieze the day for this is the day the Lord has made.
While I was listening to God through the art I was reminded of the importance of art in my life and how it had been edged out by busy-ness and the priority of too many other tasks. I was reminded that art takes time and that it is up to me to carve of time and make room for the creative process for both art and writing. Finally, I was reminded that I need to give myself permission to create. These various elements come together during the creative process which combines the technical aspects of doing together with listening to God. The combined process reminds me of sermon preparation with the combination of the academic research into the biblical text together with listening to the Word of God to hear the particular message for preaching. The art of theological reflection ("arsty theology") blends art with listening for an unexpected end result.