Yard Art

The same artsy techniques which are used for theological reflection in a journal can be used to create simple "yard art." I bought the 18"x18" ceramic floor tile from Home Depot in the closeout section and acrylic paint and custom "word stamps" to make a decorative tile for Way of the Cross in the church's meditation garden during Holy Week.
To begin, choose a scripture verse and print it in the largest size possible in the font of your choice. Position the printed pages face up on the tile with a piece of carbon/tracing paper face down underneath. Trace the letters so they transfer to the tile. Then write over the letters in a thin marking pen in the color that you will then paint over using a thin brush and acrylic paint. The marker pen simply makes it easier to see the lettering as the tracing paper is light.

Embellish with words from custom made "stamps" from wine corks or erasers. I chose words that reflect, for me, the significance of the scripture verse. To add emphasis on the significance of the cross I layered two "stamps" with RESURRECTION in purple on the bottom and then REDEEMED diagonally across in silver. The single stamping HOPE is the essence of the message. I stamped GRACE around the edges. The bottom photo shows how we used the "yard art" on Palm Sunday- it was placed at the foot of the cross in our "Way of the Cross" Meditation Garden and palm branches were laid there after the procession of palms.