"Dump Sheet Self-Portrait" is a modified idea from J
ournal Spilling: Mixed Media Techniques for Free Expression by Diana Trout. Her concept is to identify your (self) critic through art. I like the concept, but the emphasis is negative and I prefer to emphasize the positive. "Dump Sheet Self-Portrait" begins by "dumping" the negative self-talk but then "flips" the negative to a positive to complete the mixed media reflection.
Begin by "dumping" internal/self-talk about a specific topic/theme. |
Draw your head, neck, shoulders & cut out & paste onto page. |
My "dump sheet" theme was the negative self-talk I found myself doing regarding my re-entering the world of writing. I have written countless articles and published several books, but I am re-entering after being out of that loop for a decade. I realized all of my self-talk was
negative and needed to be dumped and replaced with
positive. This exercise was helpful to identify the self-talk as being negative and to intentionally replace the negative with the positive.
Paint the background and add bold words that counter the dump sheet. Top with more layers of paint. |
Embellish with stamping. |
Collage items in the background. [Add facial features; see top photo.] |