I added strips of cut papers in a quilting pattern that I've always liked but never made. |
Ignore any fear of covering up something "better." |
I think art journaling is about the bits and pieces of joy during the bits and pieces of time spending time playing with art supplies while reflecting on...LIFE. It you wait for the big/ideal/perfect moment to "do art" or to "do journaling" then it is likely that art/journaling will never occur. Rather, it is in the bits and pieces of time that the joy of artful reflection is possible. The moral to the story is to create a space where you can leave your art supplies handy for short bits of art along the hectic journey of life. If all you do is one tiny little addition at any given moment/day/pause then that is one tiny addition that builds into something unexpected (and unknown) TBD (To Be Determined) in the future. I like to keep a working art journal out and open to a page-whatever page I have most recently work on or a page entirely different. Glancing at the open page as I walk by is a reminder that art journaling calls. Art journaling invites. Art journaling is waiting. Open invitation: COME. In that regard, art journaling is like writing: if you wait for the so-called muse to come before you begin it is very likely that you will never actually begin. And then oh how much you miss.
Pick a point with an existing page and add new bits and pieces. |