The altered book that I've been using for my art journaling during much of 2014 showcases personal spaces/rooms of women. It is interesting how using this book as my art journal has influenced my outlook on my personal rooms/spaces. One of the chapters in this book features someone's kitchen as their favorite personal space. I had left exposed words: "Kitchen Art" and "I love to hang my art up in the kitchen." After flipping back-and-forth through my art journal pages, this one never quite inspiring me to use as the basis for an art journal entry. However, the exposed words I read each time I flipped past these pages
did influence me to "alter" my own kitchen space ("I love to hang my art up in the kitchen.") After painting my kitchen to reflect my art spirit, I went back to my art journal and added the latex paint I had used to paint my kitchen to create a background in the journal page. I collaged pretty bright white papers to duplicate the color theme in my freshly painted kitchen, and I included a piece of fabric from the curtain. The journal entry reminds me that I do love to hang art in my kitchen...in bright yellow and crisp white.
I will go back at some point add embellish the pages with reflections on my experiences in cooking in my arted-up-kitchen. Journal page to kitchen art to journal page...going with the inspirational flow.