The complete piece is visually messy (below left), but each item within the piece carries significant meaning and tells part of the story of my experience in mission with the immigrants and my team. I began by using cut pieces from a Spanish language free newspaper available from our hotel to create the scene at the relief center. The cut squares represent the stacks of clothing and supplies available to the immigrants. The end of a wine cork worked great to create stamped "people." The peach color represents the immigrants entering the center, and the scatter white and tan "people" represent the volunteers. I included tables at the back of the room where a meal was provided and "GUIA SALUD" (health guide) at the far left where medical services and health items were provided. The art table is the "El Periodico" and the registration area is represented by "USA." The stamped words focus on the message to the immigrants: BIENVENIDOS (welcome) followed by food, clothing, shelter, and time permitting, art.
Expressing an Experience in Ministry: Food, Clothing Shelter
The complete piece is visually messy (below left), but each item within the piece carries significant meaning and tells part of the story of my experience in mission with the immigrants and my team. I began by using cut pieces from a Spanish language free newspaper available from our hotel to create the scene at the relief center. The cut squares represent the stacks of clothing and supplies available to the immigrants. The end of a wine cork worked great to create stamped "people." The peach color represents the immigrants entering the center, and the scatter white and tan "people" represent the volunteers. I included tables at the back of the room where a meal was provided and "GUIA SALUD" (health guide) at the far left where medical services and health items were provided. The art table is the "El Periodico" and the registration area is represented by "USA." The stamped words focus on the message to the immigrants: BIENVENIDOS (welcome) followed by food, clothing, shelter, and time permitting, art.