I'm a mixed media artist because I haven't seen a medium that I didn't like; couldn't wait to get my hands on to experiment with. Unfortunately, of course I (impulsively) collect an eclectic mix of supplies that (sometimes) get stuck in drawers and go unused...
for chunks of time. I also tend to forget which colors I have of which media, so it's easy to duplicate when I'm visiting a city which has a FABULOUS art supply store (Hobby Lobby is "it" in my city), or, worse, not buy anything at all for fear of duplicating an existing color. Problem solved: in my "Backgrounds Practice Journal" I've created pages which which compare brands and/or include a sample of each color choice within a particular type of media. For some, I did the sampling on white
and black gesso; others only on white
or the plain journal page.
High maintenance need to remove dry skin before each use. |
Annoying need to cut off dry skin. |
Very pretty super smooth application. |
Slow to dry but great versatility in application. |
Inexpensive and wide color selection; but SLOW to dry. |
Inka maintained the most vibrancy on the black gess. |
It's obvious why these are the least expensive as soon as you compare to the others. |
Inka goes on like shoe polish with a rag; little bit messy but good for wide spread. |
Four types of oil pastels on white gesso. |
Sennelier scored points for variety of colors & ease of application. |
Shiva scored points for drying faster than the other brands. |